KinderCalc is an arithmetic calculator for kids that are beginning to explore arithmetic and number representations. Many kids approach different representations of our number system as though they were entirely different number systems. They may understand addition and subtraction using tally sticks, for example, but are unable to translate that knowledge into symbolic representations (digits, words) or domain representations (money, time). KinderCalc easily moves between many representations, helping kids to build confidence along with their abstract reasoning skills.
What KinderCalc does for kids:
- helps them make sense of problems
- helps them reason abstractly and quantitatively
- strengthens their number sense with many different numeric representations
- helps them with problem modeling
- helps them look for and use structure
- helps them look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
- introduces negative numbers
- audible numbers and equations, spoken in a kids primary language
- builds confidence and a love of math!